5 Tips for training your abs.

. Train your abs at least 6 times per week for about 20 mins per session.
. In a typical session alternate between bicycle crunches and push ups. Bicycle crunches mean you hop onto your back, put your hands lightly behind your head, then raise your shoulders and core and twist your shoulders so your elbow reaches towards your opposite knee, which you bring up towards your chest. Be sure to extend your other leg out nice and straight. The repeat!
. Make sure you do not train your abs on a full stomach.
. Always minimise the air in your lungs, keep your abs contracted and keep your neck in a fixed position.
. Always stop if you feel any pain. And always seek personal and professional advice before commencing any training program.

Tips from Guinness World Record holder Marcus Bondi, he shares his top tips for fitter and stronger abs in 12 weeks. Marcus Bondi is an Official Guinness World Record holder who trains Olympic athletes, special-forces soldiers and MMA fighters. For more information, visit www.marcusbondi.com and follow him on Twitter and YouTube.

Source: http://man.bodyandsoul.com.au/mens+fitness/fitness+tips/5+top+ab+training+tips 728*90
