Build muscle with less weights.

The best way to build muscle may be to lift less weight, not more – Sean Hyason C.S.C.S.

You have to think like a bodybuilder. Do stes that last 40-70 seconds, sets that will lead to better overall results.

Than main down side to heavy lifting is the injury risk. Heavy weights can wear down joints over time and lead to chronic conditions like tendinitis.

So why risk crushing your joints if you don’t have to? “A muscle needs to be stressed under load for an adequate amount of time to stimulate a growth response.” Says Perruggia.

Science has pointed to a duration of 40 to 70 second as being the most effective. This why bodybuilders do 8 to 12 reps for upper-body exercise and 10 to 20 reps fot lower-body exercise. The result is that in this way they induse greater fatigue in the muscle and causes it to build back up with a better work capacity.

The conclusion is that you can gain muscle on high reps training you add 10 pounds to what you can lift for 20 reps. Source: Men’sFitness05.2015.USA.  
